We are committed to the future and well being of our veterans and first responders.
The Permission to Start Dreaming Foundation is committed to finding the best tools and training to enhance the mind, body and spiritual wellbeing of our nation’s veterans, first responders and their family members. We believe they should be provided the very best programs that help restore their lives and overcome the trauma they face while serving their country and communities.
Warrior PATHH in the Pacific Northwest
The Permission To Start Dreaming Foundation has brought Warrior PATHH training to our community here in the Pacific Northwest, in partnership with the Avalon Network. Our partnership with them has served to magnify our strength and resolve in providing support for our veterans and first responders, both advancing our reach and accelerating our progress potential significantly. We now offer PATHH programs in the PNW for both male and female combat veterans, active-duty personnel, and first responders – and no clinical diagnosis of any kind is required to attend. Warrior PATHH is designed to harness the power of the first responder’s training and field experience, and the veteran’s military training and combat experience, to enable our warriors to unlock their remarkable potential at home. Once that potential is unlocked, the positive ripple effects through their families and our communities are profound. Our commitment to this training is pinned upon our knowledge that trauma does not need to diminish vitality or cause our veterans and first responders to live a diminished life.
Today is the day we shift the conversation from disorder to growth.
June 13th- The first ever Post-Traumatic Growth Day.
We are grateful for all those who partner with us. The financial support and encouragement from each one of them has helped us successfully deliver the Warrior PATHH program each month here in the PNW. One “compassionate ally” in particular is Kyle Rohrbaugh and RPM Mortgage team in Gig Harbor, WA. Listen to why he believes in our mission and continues to dedicate financial support to help us bring hope and healing to our veterans and first responders.
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Stay up to date with the Permission To Start Dreaming Foundation
The Permission To Start Dreaming Foundation understands the value of providing strength-based programs for mental, emotional, and spiritual growth.
Monthly Huddles
Trauma does not discriminate. Those who experience it need connection to others. Monthly meetings welcome warriors and first responders to meet them where they are.
Post-Traumatic Growth Workshops
Growth and hope can coexist with grief and trauma. There will be ups and downs. These workshops focus on healthy and life affirming tools that develop self-regulation rather than self-medication
Warrior PATHH
Warrior PATHH is a transformative, lifelong, Post-Traumatic Growth-based training program for combat veterans and first responders. The training begins with a 7-day on-site initiation that is followed by 18 months of training delivered by our instructors through our myPATHH platform.
Part of our mission is to raise awareness and funding for programs that enrich the lives of soldiers and their families in a tangible way. Our events have been embraced by the community, sponsors and media alike.
Who We Are
We are committed to bringing hope and healing to our first responders, military members, veterans and their families dealing with post-traumatic stress and combat trauma.
Do You Need Help?
If you are in a crisis and need to talk right away, or you are concerned about somebody else, there is always someone to listen and help.