The Permission to Start Dreaming Foundation, established in 2011 with the first annual Race For A Soldier, strives to help veterans and first responders throughout the PNW to access effective and long-term solutions for transforming post-traumatic stress into post-traumatic growth.

Along with Race For A Soldier, the Foundation boasts four key events that bring the community together in support of our service members, and raise both awareness and funding for the strength-based programs that enrich the lives of our veterans, first responders and their families.

The 14th Annual Prayer Breakfast – September 6, 2024

At the beginning of September, the Foundation kicked off its “Permission To Start Dreaming Weekend” with the 14th Annual Prayer Breakfast; hosting over 300 attendees, and featuring “A-List” speakers like Rose Tennent, Elijah O’Neal, and Victor Marx, as well as the first ever “Courage and Leadership” Panel – a conversation among law enforcement professionals and community members about leading with courage in the face of adversity.

The overall message from this year’s programming was that of courage and compassion. The courage to wake up each day and pick up your shield, serving your community and your Faith. And compassion for those who choose to put on the uniform every day, knowing they risk their lives to protect others. A beautiful and powerful message in a time of turmoil in our Nation and on our streets.

We want to share a heartfelt thank you to Chapel Hill Church for hosting us again this year, and to our presenting sponsors, Subaru of Puyallup, Harnish Auto Family, and the Best Western – Wesley Inn. Without support from community partners like yourselves, events like this wouldn’t be possible!

And, if you weren’t able to attend the Prayer Breakfast this year, remember, you can watch the recording at your convenience by visiting

The 14th Annual Race For A Soldier – September 8, 2024

The weekend closed out with the event that started it all, the 14th Annual Race For A Soldier, hosted by the Tom Taylor YMCA. For the first time this year, Race For A Soldier was comprised of a 5K, a 12K and a Virtual Race option, allowing for greater accessibility to runners, both local and otherwise. 12K participants totaled more than 275, and 5K participants totaled nearly 800 runners! Participants of all skill levels came out to run, helping raise awareness for the Foundation and to support and honor service members close to their hearts.

We want to send our gratitude out to all our sponsors: Our presenting sponsors – Subaru of Puyallup, Harnish Auto Family, Best Western – Wesley Inn, and Washington Water Service. And our kilometer sponsors – Crista Camps, Stroh’s Automotive, Burnett Real Estate, Wear Blue, Ralph’s, Custom Race Systems, Peninsula Light, Health Markets, Smart Orthodontic, Pilkey Hopping & Ekberg, Harborstone Credit Union and Mosaic Real Estate.

And our biggest “Thank You” goes out to the Tom Taylor YMCA. Your support in hosting this event year after year is something we cherish, and we couldn’t do it without you!

For those who participated in Race this year, or want to see what all the hype is about, photos from the amazing Ronnie Glover are available NOW, by visiting

Everything we do at Permission To Start Dreaming Foundation is dedicated to the memory of PFC Kyle Marshall Farr, son of founder Leslie Mayne. After his death in 2009, she was determined to honor Kyle’s memory and service to his country by seeking better outcomes for other returning veterans. Race for A Soldier was created in 2011 and launched a movement that is bringing hope and healing for our veterans and first responders. And with Race For A Soldier becoming a household name in the PNW, we cant wait to continue bringing this event to you, year after year…

We hope that participants are as eager as we are for YEAR FIFTEEN! And if you have yet to join us for Race For A Soldier, or maybe it’s been a few years since you participated, 2025 is the year you WONT want to miss!

Thank you to all who support the Foundation and our events; through event participation, by spreading the word about what we’re doing, by donating funds to support our programs, or by volunteering your time to help us accomplish these labors of love. You are all so appreciated, and we hope to continue being blessed by you.


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