We just can’t say enough to thank Martin Park, a 24-year-old former active duty Marine and now a reservist. Not only did he run his first marathon (the Tacoma City Marathon) wearing 48.5 pounds of gear and a Race For A Soldier shirt, but he raised $3,300 dollars in the process to donate to the Permission To Start Dreaming Foundation!

Here’s an excerpt from The News Tribune:

It was the first marathon for 24-year-old Martin Park, and he was running for more than himself. He was raising money to help find solutions for soldiers affected by Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

It was the first marathon for 24-year-old Martin Park, and he was running for more than himself. He was raising money to help find solutions for soldiers affected by Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

By Craig Hill

Click here to read the entire article.


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