Delivered by: Major (Ret.) Josh Mantz

The PTSD Foundation is hosting a 2-hour webinar on psychological trauma led by process-philosopher and former Army Major (ret.) Josh Mantz.  Josh is among the nation’s leading speakers and trainers in psychological trauma, wellness, and resilience.  This training series will deliver critical and timely information on the three sources of psychological trauma (e.g. life-threat, traumatic loss, and moral injury) as they pertain to the unique challenges faced by the first responder and military professions.  Josh will be leveraging powerful personal examples from combat  (like his near-death experience) and integrating them with current research to deliver an experience that has immediate relevance to first responders “on the ground.”

The session will consist of a detailed analysis of topics crucial to understanding trauma, reducing stigma, and cultivating wellness and resilience. 

These include:

  • The physiological, biological, and neurological implications of life-threatening situations.
  • The autonomic response and differentiating between hyper-arousal and hypo-arousal.
  • The variables of intensity, complexity, and chronicity as they contribute to post-traumatic stress.
  • Understanding grief and death through the lens of survivor’s guilt and near-death experiences.
  • The three determinants of moral injury (Responsibility, Justification, and Wrongdoing) and how they complexify an individual’s moral landscape.
  • The moral emotions: shame, guilt, powerlessness, betrayal, and anger.
  • Differentiating between self-directed and other-directed moral injury.
  • Leveraging the principles of wellness and resilience to cultivate meaning-making and personal growth.
 To learn more about the presenter, please visit

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