With the 20th anniversary of 9/11 being so near, the Permission to Start Dreaming Foundation has a special opportunity to share what notably was one of the most memorable if not profoundly soul crushing messages ever given by one of its Prayer Breakfast event speakers. We consider Tim Brown a “national treasure”, and to this day revere him not only as one of Americas Heroes, but greatly admire his tireless efforts as an advocate for justice and faithful friend to his brothers and sisters, and to the families who lost loved ones on that horrific day. His unique place in history, no doubt will be remembered because of his remarkable way of conveying the details, the memories, and the scale of events that changed this country forever.

Tim Brown, one of “the bravest among us” had a front row seat to the terrorist attack at the Twin Towers in NY that day. It is our privilege to share some of it with you. May God protect you Tim. Our gratitude remains for your generous gift of telling your story, our country’s story. May we NEVER FORGET.


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